
Why is your website home page empty?

Hi everyone, thanks for stopping by the website!  I know it might be jarring to see a big empty page with almost nothing on it, but I have an explanation:  My customers come first, point blank and period.  I have to suspend working on my own projects (like this website) while I am busy solving customer's problems.  These days I have a lot of people to help, so I don't get much of a chance to update my own website.  Thus, you see just a simple paragraph of text instead of a feature-rich website with lots of company info.  For that, I apologize, however I will never apologize for making my customers' needs my foremost priority.  So please be patient with me, I will get the site back up and running in short order (I hope).  Thanks for stopping in, and feel free to contact me at or via phone at 248.340.3243 if you need anything in the meantime!  I'm open to taking on new clients, too, so don't hesitate!